Corporate culture
MTS Group operates in all Russia’s regions and also has international operations. The Company’s total workforce is approximately 65 thousand people, held together as a single team by our single competency model developed by the Company to reflect its business needs and current trends. The purpose of the competency model is to identify the skills and personal qualities that help employees to perform their jobs effectively. The model differentiates between core competencies, expected of employees at any job level, and additional ones, which may apply to particular roles and positions.
- Development (personal development, curiosity, flexibility and adaptability)
- Collaboration (teamwork, customer focus)
- Result (can-do attitude, results-oriented approach, compliance and professional integrity)
- Strategy (strategic thinking, business thinking, change management)
- Managing people (employee motivation, development, performance control and feedback)
- Project/product management (managing tasks, resources and the project team)
- Negotiating skills
- Presentation skills
The competencies are integrated into all HR processes for staff assessment and development, such as recruitment, performance assessment, training and development, and talent pool management. Every employee can obtain feedback both from their line manager and peers, and select their priority development areas for the next year.
The Company has an HR Hotline,, which is part of its Single Hotline. This hotline handles messages related to working conditions, payment of salaries and wages, bonuses, applications for social security benefits and corporate employee benefits, annual performance assessment, as well as recruitment, staff transfer, rotation, termination, training program delivery, recognition and talent development. In 2019, the HR hotline received 97 messages. All messages were followed up on, with responses provided to the senders.