Reference Performance Indicators by RSPP

Economic indicators
1 1.1. Main business conduct principles Business development strategy
2 1.2. Volume of sales (work, services) Business model
3 1.3. Accrued taxes and other mandatory deductions Business model
4 1.4. Payroll costs MTS for employees
5 1.5. Asset investment Annual report
6 1.6. Payments to capital providers Annual report
7 1.7. Community investment MTS for local communities
8 1.8. Voluntary retirement benefits Annual report
Environmental indicators
9 2.1. Share of materials used that are recycled input materials Not applicable
10 2.2. Energy consumption Energy efficiency program
11 2.2.1. Energy consumption per unit of production Energy efficiency program
12 2.3. Freshwater consumption for own use Energy efficiency program
13 2.3.1. Water consumption per unit of production Energy efficiency program
14 2.4. Share of recycled water consumption in total water consumption for own use Not applicable
Emissions, effluents and waste
15 2.5. Greenhouse gas emissions MTS for environment
16 2.6. Pollutant atmospheric emissions MTS for environment
17 2.6.1. Emissions per unit of production MTS for environment
18 2.7. Wastewater effluents Energy efficiency program
20 2.7.2. Pollutant effluents Not applicable
21 2.8. Waste volume Separate municipal waste collection program
22 2.8.1. Waste per unit of production Separate municipal waste collection program
23 2.9. Number of significant emergencies with environmental impact None
24 2.10. Recovered environmental damage The environmental compliance program
Products and services
25 2.11. Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact mitigation Alternative energy
26 2.12. Environmental protection investments The environmental compliance program
Social indicators
Labor practices and decent work performance indicators
27 3.1.1. Total workforce by region Personal structure
28 3.1.2. Employee turnover Employee development policy
29 3.1.3. Rate of employee turnover caused by whatever reason Personal structure
Labor/management relations
30 3.1.4. Coverage by collective bargaining agreements n/a
31 3.1.5. Rate of occupational injuries Workplace safety and occupational health & safety
32 3.1.6. Number of work-related fatalities No
33 3.1.7. Number of occupational diseases Workplace safety and occupational health & safety
34 3.1.8. Loss of working hours due to diseases of any origin Workplace safety and occupational health & safety
35 3.1.9. Labor safety costs Workplace safety and occupational health & safety
36 3.1.10. Number of training hours per employee Corporate training
37 3.1.11. Training costs Corporate training
38 3.1.12. Participation of women in management bodies Personal structure
Human rights performance indicators
39 3.2.1. Labor disputes MTS Code corporate magazine
40 3.2.2. Discrimination cases None
41 3.2.3. Number of violations involving rights of indigenous people None
Community relations performance indicators
42 3.3.1. Interaction with authorities on socially significant matters (social and economic development in the regions of operation) Digital economy of the Russian Federation
43 3.3.2. Interaction with non-profit and non-governmental organizations on socially significant matters MTS for local communities
44 3.3.3. Assessment of contribution to the social and economic development of local communities Social program management system
Public policy
45 3.3.4. Participation in external initiatives, including in public policy development Project for growth
46 3.3.5. Participation in non-profit organizations (for example, industry ones) and/or national and international organizations whose activities lie within the company’s area of interest Membership of associations, national and international organizations
Product responsibility performance indicators
Product and service labeling
47 3.4.1. Information and labeling Quality and customer experience excellence
48 3.4.2. Product quality management 2019 investor conferences attended by the company