
Accessible educational environment
MTS sponsors training programs for hearing impaired escort interpreters and tour guides to work with the Russian sign language in museums in various regions of Russia as well as initiatives to build an accessible educational environment for children and young people with disabilities under the Notebook of Friendship international program. The program involves 8,300 children, their parents and teachers from 23 Russian regions and three other countries.
In 2019, MTS produced a video-guide for hearing impaired visitors of the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill.
MTS also moderates the Path to Career contest for people with disabilities aiming at professional fulfillment and successful employment of ambitious and talented specialists with disabilities in leading Russian and international companies. 420 people with various disabilities from four regions took part in the contest with 70 reaching the final, 1 becoming an apprentice and 30 finding a job.
Theater for All “Beyond Silence”
This nationwide inclusive project is aimed at children with hearing impairments. Its goal is to create equal opportunities for all categories of audience. Thanks to the efforts of almost 380 volunteers, offline and online puppet shows in sign language were performed as part of the project in 20 Russian cities to more than 2,600 people.
Give Good!
Give Good! is MTS’s charity program aimed at urgent help to severely ill children. Under the program, funds which were previously allocated for the procurement of souvenirs, are now donated to charity through federal charitable foundations with an impeccable reputation, which adhere to strict financial reporting standards. MTS cooperates with charitable foundations AiF. Good Heart, Sunflower, and Creativity. In 2019, the total budget of the Give Good!» program amounted to RUB 10 mln. The raised funds were allocated to treating 40 children from Russian regions.