2019 investor conferences attended by the Company

MTS held its Investor Day in Moscow on November 25, 2019, with the new development strategy for 2020–2022 unveiled by management.
The 2019 Investor Day became MTS’s biggest IR event in recent years, with over 400 participants attending in person or watching the webcast, including more than 20 analysts from research teams of leading Russian and global banks. The event also received Russian and international media coverage, with more than 10 stories published in quality newspapers and magazines, including RBC, Vedomosti, the Financial Times, Light Reading, and others.
- Moscow Exchange Forum
- BAML Emerging Markets Debt & Equity Conference
- Sberbank CIB “Russia: The Inside Track” One-on-One Conference
- HSBC Global Emerging Markets Investor Forum
- UBS LATEMEA One-on-One Conference
- BAML Global Telecoms & Media Conference
- RenCap 23th Annual Russia Investor Conference
- Citibank GEMS Conference 2019
- HSBC GEMS Investor Forum 2019
- Moscow Exchange Forum: London Session
- VTB Capital Investment Forum Russia Calling
- WOOD Winter Wonderland EME Conference
List of ESG-related investor questions
Has the company paid any fines to government authorities in the past five years for any failure to comply with environmental laws?
Environmental policy
Has the company paid any fines to government authorities in the past five years for any failure to comply with environmental laws?
Environmental policy
What channels are available to employees to raise concerns about dubious business practices and/or unsafe workplace conditions?
MTS’s Corporate Responsibility Principles
Does the Board of Directors consider ESG factors in its discussions and activities?
Sustainable Development Integrated Management System
Do the Audit Committee and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors consist only of independent directors?
Sustainable Development Integrated Management System
Does the company have an anti-corruption policy and/or a compliance system?
MTS’s Corporate Responsibility Principles
In addition to the Annual Report, presentations summarizing progress under CSR programs are sent out to the Company shareholders in preparation for the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting. This contributes to better alignment of values between management and investors.